Sunday, March 13, 2011

...more reviews...

A tantalizing and insightful glimpse into the worlds of nursing and alternative healing. Kendall has a natural storyteller's flair: her tales from the nursing front are at times somber, at others, hilarious. The author seems to examine her own inner workings as much as that of the profession that has consumed her life. An honest and open examination of a profession none of us care to know very personally but one that we will all need. Whether you've watched a loved one spend final days in the care of a medical professional or laid healing hands yourself, you will dig the voyeuristic view of the inside offered by Kendall's debut book. I was a fan by page two and will no doubt read the book again.
 - Mark LaFlamme. Author, crime reporter, and columnist.

You have a beautiful way of describing one of the greatest professions in the world…makes me wish I could start a nursing career… you write so splendidly, unselfconsciously (difficult I know for an autobiography), with such humility, vividness and grace that it keeps me turning thru the stories faster and faster...they should make a movie...a sitcom...get copies out to wellness groups if you can, everyone in the medical world should read it. – Arthur L. Herman II, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, UWSP

Thanks so much for the reviews. They make a huge difference. If you've read Reiki Nurse, please write a review and post it here or on Amazon. I appreciate your time, thoughts, and efforts. Thank you, meredith

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