Tuesday, August 14, 2012


has been my survival mechanism this summer.

As usual, I'm way too busy. A workaholic. Three summer jobs. I was a camp nurse, am teaching a class at the U, and Reiki Reiki Reiki. Reiki classes, shares, team, reports, and volunteering.

So, yoga. Finally back to yoga after none the whole school year.

I'd resisted, but spent the money and joined a local studio: Chill Yoga. I paid a little over $100 and can drop in whenever I want for like 12 classes.

The studio is fresh and clean. New copper pipes line the ceiling. I look at the ceiling a lot. The walls are crisp white, the floor hardwood, newly redone. The teacher constantly gives guidance, she connects with people, and she knows muscles. When she drinks coffee she talks even more, and giggles.

One day in class I felt my ribs unwind. I saw my bones unravel. I relaxed.

Yoga too at camp with Arvind from India. He teaches yoga in India and Maine. Arvind the yogi.

I do asanas in the pond where I swim on hot days. Yoga. Just breathe. Rest. relax...