Guess I just have ethics on my mind: I've been grading ethics papers all week. We talked about ethics at our Reiki share last Thursday. Informed consent was one topic. One person asked, "How do you get consent to give Reiki to someone who is unconscious?"
At the share, many practitioners expressed support for informed consent. That is, we do not share Reiki without first obtaining permission. Sometimes we have to try to explain Reiki before obtaining consent, so we talked about how to do this also.
I said, "I don't try to explain how Reiki works. I explain what I'm going to do, and what the client needs to do. I tell them they will relax, fully clothed, as I place my hands gently on their head, arms, and legs. I tell them they can keep their eyes open, but it usually works better if they close their eyes and relax. I say they can talk, and for sure to tell me or move around if they are at all uncomfortable."
One person said, "If they can't verbally give informed consent, then I learned I can ask their higher self if it is OK."
I said, "I too learned that we can ask the higher self, if the person is unable to speak, but I don't like to do that. I'd rather get permission from family members, if the person can't speak or indicate consent. I would never share Reiki with someone who expressly said they didn't want it. I wouldn't do Reiki anywhere near that person." Several people nodded in agreement.
I told them about MaryAnne. I used to work with MaryAnne at a small hospital; she was selected to be my supervisor when I set up a Reiki program there. I thought she was an odd choice to supervise the program, as she was morally opposed to Reiki. Then it seemed to make sense. Who better to help me figure out how to explain and present Reiki to people who shared her beliefs? Who better to help me discern those who would not like to share Reiki energy? MaryAnne told me, "Tell them you're channelling. That will cue people like me right away that this is not for us."
So at that hospital we had to tell everyone we were channelling.
But are we? Do we channel energy? Or do we create a space for relaxation and healing to occur?
I used to believe the Diane Stein channelling theory, but lately I've gone more to the Pamela Miles space model.
So, not sure how it works, but I know that people like it. I've seen amazing results. It doesn't seem to harm. Whatever it is, however it works, we must obtain informed consent before initiating a session. I support client autonomy. I respect a client's right to choose if this something they'd like to try. I hope you will do the same.
At the share, many practitioners expressed support for informed consent. That is, we do not share Reiki without first obtaining permission. Sometimes we have to try to explain Reiki before obtaining consent, so we talked about how to do this also.
I said, "I don't try to explain how Reiki works. I explain what I'm going to do, and what the client needs to do. I tell them they will relax, fully clothed, as I place my hands gently on their head, arms, and legs. I tell them they can keep their eyes open, but it usually works better if they close their eyes and relax. I say they can talk, and for sure to tell me or move around if they are at all uncomfortable."
One person said, "If they can't verbally give informed consent, then I learned I can ask their higher self if it is OK."
I said, "I too learned that we can ask the higher self, if the person is unable to speak, but I don't like to do that. I'd rather get permission from family members, if the person can't speak or indicate consent. I would never share Reiki with someone who expressly said they didn't want it. I wouldn't do Reiki anywhere near that person." Several people nodded in agreement.
I told them about MaryAnne. I used to work with MaryAnne at a small hospital; she was selected to be my supervisor when I set up a Reiki program there. I thought she was an odd choice to supervise the program, as she was morally opposed to Reiki. Then it seemed to make sense. Who better to help me figure out how to explain and present Reiki to people who shared her beliefs? Who better to help me discern those who would not like to share Reiki energy? MaryAnne told me, "Tell them you're channelling. That will cue people like me right away that this is not for us."
So at that hospital we had to tell everyone we were channelling.
But are we? Do we channel energy? Or do we create a space for relaxation and healing to occur?
I used to believe the Diane Stein channelling theory, but lately I've gone more to the Pamela Miles space model.
So, not sure how it works, but I know that people like it. I've seen amazing results. It doesn't seem to harm. Whatever it is, however it works, we must obtain informed consent before initiating a session. I support client autonomy. I respect a client's right to choose if this something they'd like to try. I hope you will do the same.