Monday, December 28, 2015

Principles and practice

Principles are the foundation of Reiki: living the principles facilitates connection to source, is a path to enlightenment.

Hands-on (with others) is a blissful merging into the flow, sharing the experience of the energy, and hopefully an inducement to others to become  students of Reiki.

These are the principles I learned from my teachers: 
Just for today, do not anger. 
Do not worry.
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders. 
Earn your living honestly, in a way that benefits others. 
Respect all living things; everything is alive.

These are the principles, as rewritten by some of my students. I love this update.

Just for today:
Have faith.
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders. 
Earn your living honestly, in a way that benefits others. 
Respect all living things; everything is alive. Be grateful.