Monday, August 26, 2013

I am here, where are you?

One more day of summer vacation. A day to grieve the freedom of summer: flip flops, seagulls, sun, swimsuits, and sand. A day to take care of business, clean house, and prepare lunches. One more day.

I was exhausted last night and went to bed early. 12 hours of reading and sleep. Woke up to songbirds, jumped out of bed, and headed out to climb a little local hill.

Texted a friend. "We start tomorrow, right?"

"No. Today. Everyone is here. Where are you?"

ooops. Home, shower, work clothes, something to eat, jump in the car, head to work.

So summer vacation is over and its back to regular job.

Love all my jobs. Hello, coworkers, old & new. Students next week. yay!