Thursday, September 6, 2012

just for today

do not anger

I've been thinking about this Reiki principle recently. When I drive down Lisbon St in the afternoon, on my way home from work, other drivers weave in and out between cars, cut me off, and go through red lights. I get angry.

I don't even want to drive on that street because I feel so angry. I would take Sabattus St, but: the construction.

So it's Lisbon St and anger and I'm not supposed to get angry because I'm a highly evolved supremely spiritual Reiki practitioner. heh. I get angry.

Now what? Step back, look at it, and change the pattern. Find the opportunity. OK, how about if I realize that I can't control other drivers. Good start. What if I slow down. Maybe the aggressive driving I see in others is actually a trait of mine that I would like to change. What if I tell myself that if I slow down and chill that I am banking good karma. Ok, yeah, I could try that. Sounds like a bargain and I'm all about the bargain.

Just for today, no- wait- today is too big. Let's try the moment. Just for this moment, I will not anger. I will slow down.