I'm in Rochester, NY; visiting my son.
We toured the RIT campus, I wandered around Mendon Ponds Park, and we went to ArtisanWorks: a warehouse full of paintings, sculptures, artists, music, and installations. A way cool place: http://www.artisanworks.net/ I loved the Frank Lloyd Wright room. It referenced 40 different Wright sites.
I don't know how many paintings there are there, but I can't believe there could be so many paintings in one gallery: hundreds. Thousands? A lot. We met the founder and his father; both warm & amicable.
See the pic of RIT, all the bricks? Reminds me so much of my dreams of Dublin.
And I see spirals everywhere.
It's been a fabulous trip so far. Perfect company; perfect summer weather; gorgeous gardens, wildlife, art, and food. Food? Went to an Indian buffet yesterday: curry, lentil stew, tofu balls, and mango pudding. E's roommate made crepes this morning; and provided as fillers: fresh strawberries, blueberries, and sauteed peaches- to top it off: melted chocolate. yumm. Today - great salad at an outdoor cafe downtown. Went to an Asian market and bought some dried mango. The best part? My son, of course. And all of his life: J & her family, school, classes, work, home, roommates, heat transfer, cyborg ethics, computers, soccer, focus, responsibility, humor, compassion, & maturity.
Great vacation.