Went to a lovely fundraiser last night, here I am with Kathi, another reiki practitioner. The walls were covered with murals, there were tassels on the lights, and everyone was dressed up. There was a ton of delicious food: pineapple, seafood bundles, and warm fig pastries. For dinner I had polenta: cheesy and gooey, baked in a green pepper shell. It was great to hang out with Kathi and her kind husband.
Then today I had a 2 1/2 hour reiki session. Boy, did I need it!
We had lots of visitors: White Owl, Butterfly, my guide, my angel, my grandma and my Dad, angels, cherubs, and seraphim. Lots of stuff bubbled up and effervesced away. They told me to ask for help when I need it; they told me to get up and dance.
Change is good. Taste the sweetness of life. Lighten up!