Monday, August 31, 2015

Reiki retreat

Went to a Reiki retreat on Saturday.

There were six of us.

We did a heart sutra meditation. I sensed a presence and wondered who it was. I opened my eyes to look and saw no one. I closed them again and felt the presence. I saw six young men in flannel shirts and overalls, standing in a semicircle, glaring at us. I opened my eyes and looked at the other women, to see if any of them sensed or saw the men. Everyone looked relaxed. I closed my eyes and saw the men; I sent love to them and they disappeared. They reappeared. I sent love again; they disappeared and stayed gone.

The leader asked us to look deeply into our hearts; she asked us what our hearts looked like. I instantly got a vision of a parlor in a farmhouse in Kansas. Pink upholstered sofas and chairs, big soft things, Victorian furniture and furnishings. Lamps with hanging crystals. Is that Victorian or deco? The farmhouse was surrounded by golden fields of wheat. My heart is a pink Victorian parlor in a farmhouse in Kansas.

We did Reiju: attunements. Martha and I practiced the method we learned from Inamoto Hyakuten Sensei. We asked for orbs, and several of us took photos. As we were performing the Reiju, Martha looked up and gasped: a sundog. A rainbow halo around the sun. A couple of people reclined on the grass to look and take photos. They saw dots of light moving around the sun. They took photos and a video, and captured the orbs. They were colored, and had tails of color.

Then we did Reiki. We set up a table outside on the lawn, in the shade. The temperature, humidity, and breeze were perfect in the shade.