Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Yes. I could eat them. "That one's a meal!" Wini exclaimed, as we ambled around Paris Hill and spotted a large spreading specimen.

One can eat dandelion greens, can them for later, or make dandelion wine.

I'm profligate. I waste them: toss them on the compost pile. I bought a lovely padded ergonomic tool and spent last weekend digging armloads out of my lawn. So easy to find: bright yellow flowers and wide toothy leaves. Satisfied with my effort, I lotioned my bruised hands. Then we had a nor'easter wind and rain storm and new ones blossomed. Today I pried stubborn roots out of the cold muck that is my backyard. Tonight I'll scrub my nails. Tomorrow I'll go to work with farmer nails again, bit of dirt here, little more there.

Meanwhile I'm remembering WS Wells of Wilton ME, who grew and canned dandelions. Check it out. Or Belle of Maine on FaceBook.