Reiki! What's new? My new reiki practitioners, that's what! Eleven new practitioners, and we're orienting them to the cancer center: showing them how we do things, filling out paperwork, and introducing them to the wonderful staff and clients. Reiki at the cancer center is just about my most favorite thing in my life.
Of course I also love my assisted living facility, walks in the woods with my dog, and teaching my fabulous nursing students. I like to listen to music, write, and do yoga too. But reiki is the best.
And that carnelian? Yeah, cracking my heart wide open. You know what happens with a big open heart, right?
So Friday will be very reiki. Three practitioners will join me in the morning. Then some of us will stay on to do reiki with Kathi in the afternoon. It is so interesting to merge energy with other practitioners and clients. With some it is so easy: we share sensations and visions. With others there seems to be a wall.
Wishing reiki blessings on you all.
I'm including a picture from a pleasant afternoon with my son in Portland, Maine. See the spirals?