Thursday, November 13, 2014

day in the life

Busy day with students yesterday.

We started at 6:30 am with a case study: patient with Parkinson's disease. At 8 am we toured our local cancer outpatient center and at 10 the hospice house. Ran into a dear friend there; she was making cookies. Next was a lunch n learn with nurse managers from the oncology floor where we'll be doing clinicals. The students had lots of questions.

We spent the afternoon doing simulation with an $80,000 manikin. Late afternoon we were in a cathedral basement, at a flu clinic. We did blood pressures for any and all. Last, we attended a presentation on Ebola. There was a slide show and panel presentation with local ER docs. More good questions from the students. A famous local reporter interviewed us.

Today I graded papers.  Came home and raked leaves. Tomorrow more papers.