Friday, June 8, 2012

Myrtle again

She was fine. No probs. Just fine.

But I kept getting dire warnings. "You must update!" "Maps are outdated. Update now!"

I didn't. So they shut me off. Closed me down. No more Myrtle; no more maps.

Could I find my way in the wilderness? Navigate self? Go back to paper maps? Prob not.

I logged on and updated. What did I get? Ok, prob the latest maps from all over the world, but to accommodate those huge files, they deleted Myrtle. The voice was gone. No more amusing, "Turn bleft." Gone the exasperated, "Recalculating," and the triumphant "Arrrrriving at desssstination!"

Silence. Ok, I got to my conference, but I had to look. No audio, only video, no fair.

Back to the website. FAQs. Multiple downloads. Myrtle, please come back.