Monday, April 9, 2012


Not a lost art. Not gone. Struggling, yes. So many people are way too busy, locked onto edevices, and rushing around from work to family, dear friends, and pets.

But there are volunteers out there. They strive to improve your life and their own. They care.

I had the honor and the pleasure of addressing a crowd of volunteers this evening. And if my dog didn't need me desperately ("Let me out! Feed me! Play with me!")  I would have stayed to thank them, hug them, and share a delicious meal with this wonderful group of caregivers.

Who volunteers anymore? Do you? Do I? (Well, yeah, I do. Wish I could do more. I volunteer at a cancer center and an assisted living facility.) Just saying.... if you haven't tried it, well, maybe you'd like it. My volunteer relationships and activities are some of the most rewarding parts of my life.

Maybe you think you have no special talents, no time. You know what? Just you is enough. Can you sew? Talk? Hold a hand? Hammer? Write someone's story? Teach the thing you know best? You can volunteer. Try it; it will make your heart happy.