Thursday, April 19, 2012

Reiki share

Felt the familiar throbbing in my hands as I placed them on Bertie's head. I was sharing Reiki with practitioners who I admire & respect, at our monthly meeting.

We talked for the first hour and a half. I so enjoy hearing the Reiki thoughts and experiences of others: intelligent discussion of one of my favorite topics. The teacher is the student.

Bertie was tearful when we went round with introductions. She's experienced a lot of losses recently. She needed some Reiki love and attention. She got a triple dose: a short session with three practitioners.

We had a guest speaker. He was erudite, educated, and engaging. He led us in a beautiful heart meditation.
B, the massage therapist and Reiki practitioner fixed the stabbing pain in my neck. N taught us a breathing/sound exercise to wake the pineal gland. Or maybe something else, so sorry, but B was doing trigger release just then and it was momentarily excruciatingly painful. But effective.

I love Reiki shares and will so miss it in May. Just can't seem to schedule it. Sometimes I'm too busy. Does that happen to you? It's good busy, but still.