Friday, December 10, 2010

Selenite & Pleiades

So drawn to Selenite lately.

Here I am every weekend hauling boxes from my ex-house to my suburban hunting camp, loathing the loads of stuff. Opening boxes and albums: breaking my heart, laughing and crying. Here I am wondering what to do with the photos, vases, and books. Too much stuff!

So what am I doing buying Selenite? Why am I suddenly drawn to this lustrous silky mineral? It looks like a white moonstone. Sometimes it's smooth, sometimes rugged; always luminous.

Stopped in to the Chickadee's Nest for my weekly psychic upload. Saw some Selenite. Julia said, "Of course! Selenite enables access to information from Pleiades. Meditate with it. You'll get some messages."

Well there you have it. Selenite: instant messaging to Pleiades.